QC & Prohibited Substances

Racing Blue strive to ensure that all of our products are race and competition compliant for horses, dogs, camels and birds. All of our supplement formulations are carefully developed to ensure that no ingredients are used that are considered banned or prohibited by international rules of racing or the FEI in the case of horses, as well as complying with the rules for greyhound racing and all dog sporting dog competitions including agility, flyball and sledge dog racing. We continually monitor for any changes to these rules in terms of ingredients that can and cannot be used.
Our manufacturing and quality control procedures have been developed to minimise the risk of any contaminating prohibited substances that may swab or trigger a post race or competition positive. This is immensely important for our clients racing in global jurisdictions, or competing both nationally and internationally in a range of equestrian or canine sports.
Manufacture of our products is undertaken both in the United Kingdom and in Australia with carefully chosen partners. In the UK, STORM® is manufactured under ISO 17025 quality standards. Racing Blue also routinely undertakes an ingredients audit, so that we are always fully aware of all the raw materials that are handled by these manufacturing partners.
We are committed to a comprehensive quality control program, which includes rigorous prohibited substance testing using the laboratory of our sister company Independent Equine Nutrition (IEN). IEN are a major industry name in this field and test 1000’s of ingredients, as well as finished feeds and supplements every year for a large number of companies worldwide. IEN are regarded as experts in this field and they put their substantial experience at our disposal.
What We Test For*
FCS: Feed Contaminants Screen: caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, morphine, codeine, oripavine, thebaine, noscapine, papaverine, atropine, hyoscine, hyoscyamine, bufotenine, methylbufotenine, dimethyltryptamine, sparteine and lupinine
HSPS – Extended Herbs, Spices & Plants Screen ajmaline, cannabinol, cannabidiol, capsaicin, cathinone, cocaine, colchicine, digoxin, digitoxin, dihydrocapsaicin, ephedrine, harmaline, ibogaine, lobeline, nonivamide, pseudoephedrine, quinine, quinidine, reserpine, synephrine, tetrahydrocannabinol, valerenic acid, vincamine and yohimbine
The Racing Blue Quality Commitment
- We only use ingredients from fully traceable suppliers.
- We use accredited blenders in the UK and Australia.
- We undertake regular ingredient audits.
- All our raw materials are tested for specific prohibited list substances before production*
- Each finished batch of STORM® is additionally tested for specific prohibited substances following production, but before being released for sale.
- We maintain a policy of full traceability
- Individual analysis certificates are available on request
- Retained samples of raw materials and finished products are retained for 5 years.
STORM® is manufactured to a very high standard, our rigorous testing regime ensures that every tub is as safe as it possibly can be before we ship it double-sealed in the highest quality packaging to you. If you wish to know more about our quality control regime, please feel free to contact us.