

Abi Boulton Eventer feeds Tilson Tic Toc STORM

Abi is a 21 year old event rider based in Staffordshire and was the youngest to complete the CCI**** at Burghley in 2015 with her horse Tilston Tic Toc.  This was the culmination in 2015 of a partnership which started when Abi was 15 and Ben (Tilston Tic Toc) was just at Novice level. Abi […]

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Adam Beschizza Going to Post

Adam Beschizza, Jockey benefits from STORM Athlete

STORM Athlete is a new human sports supplement from Racing Blue that features the specialist amino acid beta alanine, in a scientifically proven sustained release format.  Beta alanine is well known for its positive effects in athletes by slowing the process of muscle fatigue and allowing peak speed and power for longer.  Horses from many […]

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Ben Robinson Canicross Win

Ben Robinson Canicross Champion

STORM Canis has helped father/son Canicross team Robinson Canicross and their dogs to become renowned as one of the fastest in the world.

“As champions, we’re always looking for ways to improve and stay on top of our game. Since using STORM, our dogs’ muscular endurance has improved significantly.  Consequently, this has lead to impressive time improvements in our running together. Having the right nutrition/supplementation on board has not only allowed us to consistently prove ourselves to be the fastest Canicross team in the UK, but has also led to us adding continental and global titles for our team.”

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Chester Webber advocates STORM for driving horses

Champion Chester Weber advocates STORM for driving horses

Racing Blue are excited to announce that Chester Weber has joined us in becoming an advocate of STORM for driving horses. Chester is the most celebrated combined driving athlete in the United States.  Chester received a recommendation for STORM for his driving horses just before the World Equestrian Games in Tryon 2018 from a long […]

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Davy Gallon MMA fighter comments on STORM Athlete

My Name is Davy Gallon MMA fighter, I won the welterweight belt at the fight exclusive night in Poland, the Lightweight Venator Fighting championship in Italy and I am in the final phase of my preparation to fight against Abner Lloveras (took part in the UFC) who is currently the best fighter in my weight […]

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Doug Watson UAE champion trainer

  Dubai based US racehorse trainer Doug Watson is frequently found near the top of the UAE trainer’s table and in 2015 won the trainers championship. Doug has used STORM Equus since its introduction to the market over 5 years ago and he says “For sure, STORM is now an important part of my feed […]

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Dr David Evans well respected vet & exercise physiologist backs STORM®

David Evans PhD BVSc, well respected Veterinary Consultant in Equine Sport Science and Honorary Associate Professor in the Faculty of Veterinary Science at University of Sydney discusses Racing Blue ” supplementation will result in an increase in muscle buffering capacity in horses, so reducing the muscle acidosis that occurs during intense exercise. This effect, demonstrated […]

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Edmond Kan, IPO Trainer & Competitor

Edmond Kan is a well known and successful competitor and trainer in the sport of IPO, which is a multidisciplinary sport for working dogs particularly German Shepherd dogs that helps to identify those that have good conformation and working abilities in 3 phases. Edmond was  FCI All Breed IPO Champion 2015 and International IPO Competitor And FCI GB Team Captain in 2017.  Racing Blue was pleased to hear that STORM Canis can make a valuable nutritional contribution in the very popular and growing sport.

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