
Betti Michielsen Trotting Racing

Supporting Performance in Trotting Racing

Jan Luytens is a prominent trainer in the world of trotting racing in Belgium and he has recently shared with us his thoughts on STORM and its benefits for this discipline in horses via his wife Betti. “My husband, Jan Luytens has a truly special gift for horses and became well known as a successful […]

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Top Flyball Team Tails We Win become STORM Advocates

TAILS WE WIN become STORM Advocates

Flyball team TAILS WE WIN were ecstatically pleased to partner with Racing Blue and our canine sports supplement STORM Canis.  Prominent team member Ross Payne and his team of dogs have been a longstanding fan of STORM Canis for many years. As a successful flyball team, TAILS WE WIN have spent the past few years […]

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Competitive Sleddogs

Winning Edge Provided by STORM at International Canicross and Bikejor Competitions

I have been involved in sleddog sports for many years within the UK and in more recent years have been competing in International sprint distance canicross, bikejor, sled racing and triathlon with my two German Shorthaired Pointers across mainland Europe, Scandinavia and into Russia. Last year it became apparent that we were very close to the top class athletes and I decided that we needed something to give us an extra ‘edge’ […]

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